A very brief post today to get a few links… well, linked.

First, going back to the conversation I had with David B. Coe, a gifted author and my friend, you can find the second installment of David’s insights over at sfnovelists.com. To catch up, here is the first installment. Though I wrote about what this conversation did for me in thinking about my own writing, it’s worthwhile to read David’s words for yourself to get his view of things unfiltered.

Next, if you are not reading the MagicalWords blogsite, you should be. Here are just a few of the posts that have connected with me recently:

How to Write Believable Heroes — Faith Hunter

Skipping Time — Carrie Ryan

Having Friends in the Business Isn’t a Conspiracy — Misty Massey

Back To Basics — David B. Coe

Part I – Be a Writer
Part II – Organize Your “Writing” Time
Part III – Maintaining Self-Confidence

If you’re not reading and you’re not writing, what are you doing?

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