Today’s blog post, titled, “Beyond the Bones,” is up over at MiFiWriters. Check it out!
“If we cannot have moral feelings against homosexuality, can we have it against murder?”
— Antonin Scalia, Dec. 10, 2012
I know. Listening to a Scalia argument while you’re in the midst of an otherwise serious debate is a little like letting a chainsaw-juggling clown distract you from putting out the fire engulfing your neighbors home. […]
I’m just back from WorldFantasy, and though my bags may be unpacked, I’m still mentally unpacking what was quite the weekend. I had a fantastic time at this year’s convention, which was held in Toronto. That’s in Canada, y’all.
Where to begin? How about with the unexpected cutting-off of cell phone service after we crossed […]
We write, right? Go ahead and take a minute to think about why you write. Go ahead…
…got it? Good. I can guarantee you that absolutely no one answered that question with the answer, “Because I love to edit!” And yet, editing is as integral to the process of writing as are those blissful hours […]
Today’s blog post is over at MiFiWriters ( I interviewed David B. Coe for the MiFiWriters blog, under a series called “A Conversation With…”
I hope you enjoy it.
“Write what you know” goes the old saw. But… don’t you know your own imagination?
I wrote previously on writing to your power as a way to craft powerful sentences, and closed with an example from Brandon Sanderson, the opening line from his novel, Elantris:
“Prince Raoden awoke early that morning, completely unaware that he had been damned for all eternity.”
The topic of opening sentences deserves some […]
There is a meme going about. You may have heard it. You may have bumped into it as you hovered outside frankfurter roasts, picnics or parties, or marshmallow toasts. The meme is, we “genre fiction” authors are without stars on our bellies. We’re not the best Sneetches on beaches.
Sitting at their table, […]
Let’s just subtitle this post, “Reading With Your Writing Brain,” which might sound like fun (putting to use the sorts of things you’re learning; being the one to stand in judgment of what you read with a critical eye), but in fact can be an onerous proposition. Reading with your writing brain can truly interfere […]
I walk a different philosophical and religious path than many of the people around me. Though I enjoy a good discussion — even a good debate (so long as everything is kept civil) — on religion, ethics, spirituality, or philosophy, I sometimes keep my views in reserve. I suppose this has something to do with […]